All Posts tagged hitbycar

Elmo – A Brush With Death

Elmo – A Brush With Death

Name: Elmo
Age: 5yrs old
Weight: 6kgs
Breed: Fox Terrier X
Sex: Male

History: Elmo was rushed to Wilston Vet after being hit by two cars on a busy nearby road. He presented with major head trauma and severe neurological signs. He was bleeding from a laceration above his left eye and also from his nostrils. Elmo’s pupils were dilated and he was unable to focus on us or his surroundings.


Talulah – Run Over By A Car And Lived To Tell The Tale

Talulah – Run Over By A Car And Lived To Tell The Tale

Name: Talulah
Species: Cat
Breed: Devon Rex
Age: 11 months
weight: 2.2 kgs

One Thursday night in July, Talulah’s owner Kirsty came home from work to find Talulah curled up on the couch. This
was a normal occurance for Talulah, however, when she said “Hello” to Kirsty, something didn’t seem right. Talulah’s “meow” was different and she seemed very unhappy. On a closer look Kirsty could see Talulah’s legs were bruised, wounded and very swollen. Kirsty immediately called Wilston Vet to say Talulah had possibly been hit by a car. Kirsty rushed straight down to see us.
