Here at Wilston Vet we like to share our interesting cases with you. Each month we upload one of our current patient’s veterinary treatments. These include intestinal surgeries, broken bone surgeries, diabetic management, infectious disease treatments and birthing complications (to mention a few.) We hope that you enjoy reading about these brave pets as they undergo their veterinary treatment. If you would like us to do a story on your own pet following treatment with us, please let us know as we would be delighted to oblige.
Name: Richie
Age: 1yrs old
Weight: 19kg
Breed: Border Collie
Sex: Male, desexed
History: Richie is a bright, bubbly one year old liver and white Border Collie who normally bounds into Wilston Vet happy to see all the staff and animals. One day in June this year, Richie quietly and carefully walked into the clinic. He looked like he was “walking on eggshells” – Richie was obviously not his normal self.
Name: Angus
Age: 8yrs old
Weight: 7kg
Breed: Australian Terrier
Sex: Male, desexed
History: Angus is a delightfully boisterous terrier who happens to be our Practice Manager Tabatha’s number 2 child – along with Gemma the Miniature Fox Terrier, Pee-Nut the ‘heinz variety’ terrier, Paolo the parrot, and Bearded Dragon’s Brett and his girlfriend Maxi (Maxi was April’s Patient of the Month). Tabatha brought Angus in to see Dr Kate as she was concerned about a large mass which had suddenly appeared on Angus’s right hind paw.
Name: Maxi
Age: 6yrs old
Weight: 370 grams
Breed: Eastern (Coastal) Bearded Dragon
Sex: Female, desexed
History: Maxi is owned by our Practice Manager, Tabatha. In November last year Tabatha noticed some swelling around the left elbow of Maxi’s leg.
Name: Eddie
Age: 14yrs old
Weight: 4.19kgs
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Sex: Female
History: The lovely, smoochy little cat Eddie (as in Edina from ‘Ab Fab’) came in to see us late last year for her annual vaccination. Her owners were a bit concerned that she had been losing weight and was eating less food than normal. Eddie had also been slightly less active for a while and her owners were wondering if she was suffering from arthritis, as Eddie is now 14yrs old.
Name: Stan
Species: Canine
Breed: Pug
Age: 7 years, 10 months
Sex: Neutered Male
Current Weight: 13.7kg
Name: Deeva
Age: 8yrs old
Weight: 6kgs
Breed: Domestic Long Hair
Sex: Female
History: Deeva came to visit us with an interesting problem. Her owner had noticed that she had an inflamed crusted skin lesion on her nose for a few months. The lesion appeared to be irritating Deeva as her owner reported that she was rubbing her nose on walls and her ‘head butting’ was more forceful than usual.
Name: Gina
Age: 12yrs old
Weight: 5kgs
Breed: Australian Silky Terrier
Sex: Female
History: Gina came in to see our vet Nichola on a Saturday morning in late November. She walked into the clinic holding her right hind leg off the ground. Gina’s owner had noticed that she had suddenly started limping on the previous Thursday night after she had been running around in the garden. Her lameness hadn’t improved since then.
Name: Dre
Age: 8 months old
Weight: 22kgs
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Sex: Male
History: Dre went on an expedition around his local suburb after escaping from his yard one afternoon. Unfortunately he was struck by a car on Lutwyche Road and then brought to us at Wilston Vet by a caring member of the public.
Name: Tilly
Age: 3yrs old
Weight: 21kgs
Breed: Staffy X
Sex: Female
History: Tilly came to Wilston vet for her regular annual vaccination. During her pre-vaccine health check Dr. Nichola Hinchy noticed something strange happening with her teeth. Tilly was unfortunate enough to have a malocclusion of her jaw resulting in a noticeable “under bite”. This means the lower part of her jaw protrudes further forward than the top.
Name: Minty
Age: 2yrs old
Weight: 25kgs
Breed: Labrador
Sex: Female
History: Minty’s troubles started several months ago when she came to see us for a sore front left foot. After a thorough examination including X-Rays to rule out broken bones, no reason for the sore foot could be found. Minty was sent home for strict rest with some pain relief medication and antibiotics to cover for any infection that may be present.