The Suites

The Cat Suites

Brisbane’s boutique inner city cattery at Wilston Vet on Newmarket Rd offers four styles of accommodation for your kitty cat. Our cattery is conveniently located to all of North Brisbane’s inner suburbs.

Large Suite

These are approximately the size of a large bedroom (3.5m x 3.5m) and have a soft bed, scratching pole and play tunnel. There are ledges to play and jump on and hiding holes for a little privacy. All rooms are light and airy with a large window. There is oodles of space to run, jump and play and you are welcome to bring your cats’ favourite toys.


Please contact the reception team for an estimate of the fees for your cat’s stay.

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Medium Suite

These are similar to a large suite but 2.5 m x 1.2 m. There is a ledge for your pussy to rest on as well as a bed and a scratching pole.


Please contact the reception team for an estimate of the fees for your cat’s stay.

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Kitty Condo

These are multi story tall units which also have a scratching pole and bed. Your cat has a special private area below for its toileting. These are not recommended for older arthritic cats who may not be able to jump. They are great for cats that like to jump up high and sit on ledges. They are also light and airy.


Please contact the reception team for an estimate of the fees for your cat’s stay.

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Your cat will love the feeling of being in a tall tower.

Luxurious Royal Suite– Please click here to go to our web-page on the Royal Suite

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