All Posts tagged allergy

Prinny- An Itchy Scratchy Ordeal

Prinny- An Itchy Scratchy Ordeal

Name: Prinny
Species: Feline
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Sex: Female – Speyed
Age: 2y 6m
Current Weight: 3.8kgs

History: Prinny is a lovely cat with a gentle temperament. Prinny first presented to Wilston Vet when she was 1y 6m age as her owners had noticed that she was starting to develop a severe generalised dermatitis. It was the end of Spring and Prinny had just recently started to lick and scratch at her fur and some fleas and flea dirt were also noted. (Fleas are a common problem all year around, however often are most prevalent in the Spring and Summer months.) Some animals can develop a condition called ‘flea allergy dermatitis’ which can cause a generalised itch and discomfort even from the bite of one single flea. Flea prevention had been applied to Prinny prior to her visit, however she had continued to lick and scratch at her fur.


Deeva – A Scabby Nose

Deeva – A Scabby Nose

Name: Deeva
Age: 8yrs old
Weight: 6kgs
Breed: Domestic Long Hair
Sex: Female

History: Deeva came to visit us with an interesting problem. Her owner had noticed that she had an inflamed crusted skin lesion on her nose for a few months. The lesion appeared to be irritating Deeva as her owner reported that she was rubbing her nose on walls and her ‘head butting’ was more forceful than usual.
