Pet Advice

Local Fundraising Community Activities

Each year we host a “Doggy Parade” at the local state school fetes. (Wilston and Windsor). This raises money for the schools as well as giving the kids a great opportunity to show off their wild and wooly pets!

school fete collage

to miss gentner

from windsor school



Some photos from the Doggy Parade

fete1  fete2  fete3  fete4  fete5  fete6  fete7  fete8  fete9  fete10  fete11

We have donated goods and services to many local clubs and non-profit organisations including – local community kindergartens, local sporting associations, local dog clubs and local children’s charities to name a few. We are firm believers in supporting our local community as this in turn supports our clients and our clients’ children.

beach party

Windsor State School Fair

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