Pet Advice

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Prinny- An Itchy Scratchy Ordeal

Prinny- An Itchy Scratchy Ordeal

Name: Prinny
Species: Feline
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Sex: Female – Speyed
Age: 2y 6m
Current Weight: 3.8kgs

History: Prinny is a lovely cat with a gentle temperament. Prinny first presented to Wilston Vet when she was 1y 6m age as her owners had noticed that she was starting to develop a severe generalised dermatitis. It was the end of Spring and Prinny had just recently started to lick and scratch at her fur and some fleas and flea dirt were also noted. (Fleas are a common problem all year around, however often are most prevalent in the Spring and Summer months.) Some animals can develop a condition called ‘flea allergy dermatitis’ which can cause a generalised itch and discomfort even from the bite of one single flea. Flea prevention had been applied to Prinny prior to her visit, however she had continued to lick and scratch at her fur.


Stolen Giraffe

Stolen Giraffe

HELP US FIND HENRIETTA! Last night brazen thieves stole our 120 kg bronze giraffe “Henrietta”. She has been gracing the entrance of our surgery for three years and George(our other giraffe) is missing her terribly. If you saw or heard anything PLEASE call us asap on 33573882. A 10 ft high giraffe traveling in the back of a ute would be highly suspicious, and hopefully someone saw something.


Dec 2014 Facebook Winner Announced

Congratulations to Jane Hutson- our 2014/15 “Like us on Facebook” winner. Jane was chosen randomly  from our large pool of Facebook followers to win $2000 worth of pet care for her and her family/friends. Do not despair though as we run the competition every year so you may be our lucky winner this year. Jane was ecstatic and this was her comment on facebook when she found out…..”Misty the cat says thank-you so much! As do her owners Jane and Holly! As we only bought our cat 2 weeks ago this is perfect timing and the perfect birthday present for her poor student owner Holly, who will be 20 on Wednesday. Thanks again Wilston Vet, Leionie and Tabitha. Facebook Jan 2015



Lucy – The Old Feline With A Toothache

Lucy – The Old Feline With A Toothache

Name: Lucy
Species: Feline
Breed: Domestic Long Hair
Sex: Female – Speyed
Age: 15y 8m
Current Weight: 2.9kgs

History: Lucy is a much loved patient here at Wilston Vet. She presented to the clinic to see Dr Kate as her appetite had recently decreased and she seemed to be losing weight. A complete blood profile had been performed earlier in the year and happily her results had been normal, ruling out many of the causes for weight loss and reduced appetite in older felines.


Hurry- Follow us on Facebook before Christmas to win $2000 vet care

“Like Us” on Facebook to win a years free vet care. At the end of each year, one of our facebook “likers” will be randomly chosen to receive a year’s free vet care from Wilston Vet to the value of $2000.  Vet Care includes all veterinary services i.e. vaccination, consultation for illness, heartworm injection, worm flea and tick prevention, medication, x-ray,blood tests, surgery, hydrobathing and nail clips. Basically any veterinary service we can provide at our clinic.




Pascal (1996-2011)

DOB: 29th September 1996
Passed away: 27th June 2011

You are THE ONE for me and I will eternally love you. You bought continuous and unconditional LOVE into my life and always gave everything to me. You bought PURPOSE to my life. You created WOOFYS and so many other dogs’ and their parents’ lives were improved and enriched because of you. You are a true SHAMAN. I promise you will live on and we will help others with canine cancers.




Gumnut (1990-2010)

DOB: 6th August 1990
Passed away: 20th December 2010

I was so sad to loose my beautiful furry friend Gumnut, more often known as The Nut or Little Nutty a couple of days ago to kidney failure. I remember the day she arrived as a tiny kitten, full of personality and trouble from the start.
